LinkedIn to Reenter the Work World

Re-entering the professional work world is SCARY. Because of this, some people consider it a risk to step out of the professional world to raise children, care for family member or other personal reasons. However, you certainly don’t have to view taking time out as a step backwards. Instead, consider your time out of the professional world as a “non-paycheck” job. You have developed skills and competencies that translate directly into the professional “pay-check” world. Start to view yourself as a professional again as you make the transition back to the working world.

Making this transition means being aware of the changes which have shaped the way people are now interviewed, hired, and promoted. The working world has changed significantly in the past five years with the rise of social media platforms, specifically LinkedIn. LinkedIn has become the number one tool used by hiring managers and decision makers because of its simplicity and search-ability. Having a well-constructed LinkedIn profile can be key in reentering the work force. Here are a few tips on becoming familiar with LinkedIn as you move forward:

Be curious

  • Play around, search for your friends, click on profiles that seem interesting. Just get familiar with LinkedIn.
  • Explore including different sections in your profile to discern which work best for your background and experience.

Key Words

  • Make a list of 10 words that describe your strengths (organizer, care giver, volunteer recruiter). If you are having a hard time thinking of strengths, ask family members or friends for ideas.
  • Make a list of 10 fields or work industries that seem interesting (education, health care, technology). If you’re struggling to come up with multiple industries, doing a simple internet search or using LinkedIn’s pre-created “industry” list can open up options of which you might not have been aware.
  • Combine words from your strengths and fields (organizer-health care). Search LinkedIn with a combination of these key words.
  • If you find a profile which strikes you as particularly interesting, make a note of it. Not all profiles will be a fit for you, but remember you are still dipping your toe in the water.

Get a professional photo

  • A photo is an essential part of your LI profile. Just having a photo can increase the chances of being viewed 11x. It will also give you the opportunity to dig into your closet and dust off your “professional” clothes or provide a shopping opportunity for a new outfit.
  • You can hire a professional photographer or go to a department store (Penny’s) for a budget photo. It’s best to avoid selfies, photos with other people in them, or photos from your wedding. A professional photo taken for the purpose of being your “headshot” will function best.

Once you’ve taken these baby steps, you will be ready to developing your own LinkedIn profile. Look for tips in the next LI blog on how to move forward in developing your professional social network.

Interested in getting even more assistance with your LinkedIn profile? Email us at We offer free initial consultations, and our career success formulas include LinkedIn development and assistance.

By: Leslie Arnold, Career Solutions Group