In a Slump? Tips for getting back in the game!

Brandon McManus (also known as B-Mac), kicker for the Denver Broncos, has been in a bit of a slump lately.  After a perfect pre-season record, B-Mac has missed more than a few of this year’s regular season attempts.

Chances are, you can relate to being in a work slump… making more errors, goofing up on decisions, and generally being off your game.

Working full time from age 20 to 65, you will have put in close to 100,000 hours on the job, so experiencing some low spots along the way is to be expected. Still, they can be frustrating and costly, dragging down your performance, mood, and the bottom line of the organization.

Slumps happen for many reasons, but most tie back to the need to pay attention to a higher life priority, such as attending to key relationships, straightening out life messes, focusing on health needs, or honoring a value that is out of alignment. Any or all of these could be the root of the problem.

And getting to the cause is important, because until we do, the slump is likely to persist and possibly worsen. Shoving it down and hoping it will go away usually results in bigger, uglier issues later on.

There are several schools of thought for getting out of a slump, such as seeing a counselor to clarify the problem, or turning your life upside down—schedule, routine, behaviors—as shock therapy. Nearly every advice article, though, recommends exercise, healthy interactions with others, filling your head with positive input, and not beating yourself up over it.

Broncos head coach Vance Joseph seems to be supporting B-Mac effectively, publicly announcing his belief in his kicker, and expectations for better results ahead. Having a key leader show this kind of support certainly helps, too.

But in the end, it’s you that will have to sort it out. Asking yourself, “When have I been in a slump before, and what worked for me then?” is a good place to start.

As for B-Mac, I look forward to the next game to see where he is in his slump-recovery process.


Photo Credit: © Melinda Nagy

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