Making your job your own. A job crafting success story.

You know that coworker who drives you nuts? How you wish you could cut out your interactions with her, or at least keep them to a minimum. And how wonderful it would be if you could spend more time working with the Customer Care team; they’re always so fun and professional. But alas, this is your job and you can’t always have things your way…or can you? Last week I wrote about the concept of job crafting, a theory coined by researchers at Yale University describing the process of sculpting your job to increase your satisfaction and productivity. There are a number of ways to make this...

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Making your job the one you want.

This time of year, many of us are aiming to make progress toward greater career happiness. “I want work with more meaning, a specialty that better fits my unique talents,” are hopes I frequently hear. I want this for all of us, too, yet I also understand that we need to keep putting food on the table. So after hearing their goals I’ll usually ask, “What’s your bottom line income target?” For the majority of people, it’s not much less than what they’re already earning, and often over $50,000 each year. This translates to a pay rate of about $25 per hour working full time, which is...

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Do you WOOP?

Happy 2018! If you’re like me, you’re excited to have a clean slate of opportunity to focus on as the New Year begins. Part of my eagerness is tied to creating fresh goals to work toward. Dr. Gabriele Oettingen, professor of psychology at New York University, developed this process for identifying and achieving motivating aims that make you WOOP with anticipation: W – Wish: What is an important wish you want to accomplish, and over what time period? Choose a goal that is meaningful, challenging, and feasible. Oettingen suggests keeping your answer to this question brief, a maximum of 6...

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Better outcomes for 2018

Despite this being “the most wonderful time of the year”, it can be a tough season for many. As we size up our successes (or lack of them), and combine that assessment with high expectations for the holidays, the result can be stress and depression. If you’re looking back at 2017 and thinking, “Well, that didn’t go exactly as I’d hoped,” what you say to yourself next can make the difference between 2018 turning out better, or worse. Educational psychologist Kristin Neff, Ph.D., in her TED Talk on, recommends that rather than beating yourself up over what did or didn’t happen this...

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Tips to increase employee engagement

Hoping for a better worker experience in 2018? You’re not alone. In the world of human resources, disengaged employees—those who are lackluster about their work– are a huge concern. They cost companies thousands of dollars in lost productivity, drag down morale, and leak their lack of interest to customers, all of which impact growth and profitability. Worst of all, disengaged employees aren’t rare: over 70% of workers fall into this category. But now more than ever, business leaders are determined to turn this around, and these strategies as reported by Martiz Motivation are some of...

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Lessons from Marie Curie

Would you sign up for this career? For years before you could even begin your profession, you would have to, as a member of a discriminated-against population, work much harder than others in your field to be taken seriously. Then, when an opportunity presents itself—one that you yourself have uncovered through diligence and persistence—you would need to execute three years of tedious, dangerous, unpaid labor to produce one quarter of a teaspoon of a substance that proves your worthiness. You will then share your trade secrets and give away the results of your efforts—again, for no pay—to...

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