How to deal with major change.

I received a high emotion email from a client, one who is considering retiring from her career of over 25 years. She expressed feeling very anxious about what her future would look like. This was my reply: “You are thinking about leaving a life routine you’ve been used to for more than three decades, without having yet put together a possible plan for what your new life routine might look like. Change is very uncomfortable. Human beings are, for the most part, drawn to certainty in our lives. We want to know where our food will come from, our shelter, our relationships, and our...

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The power of hashtags and how to use them.

Ten years after they were first introduced, I finally get the professional value of hashtags, or, in the world of social media, #. I have my son JP, a fourth year computer science student, to thank for this. Last summer he worked an internship to gain a better understanding of how to connect to target audiences via technology. Also this past summer, I attended the national salt and pepper shakers club convention, not as a collector, but to support my mother, who owns close to 1,000 sets. However, I’m a marketer at heart, so when the opportunity to advance the organization by creating an...

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Why you need to take a vacation.

The harder we work, the faster we climb, right? Not so. A Harvard Business Review article reports that people who use all of their vacation time have a 6.5% higher chance of getting promoted than those who don’t. This, says Nan Russell, author of “It’s Not About Time”, is just one of many myths that exist regarding filling our days with busy-ness and getting what we want out of life. She’ll be talking on this topic in an upcoming free session in Fort Collins, debunking misconceptions such as these: Myth: the busier we are, the more important we must be. Russell will discuss how the best way...

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The challenge of underemployment

A career coaching colleague and I were discussing the ongoing challenge of underemployment. “Why can’t there be an easier way for people with talent to get connected to opportunities that match their strengths?” he asked. I’ve been in this line of work for 25 years, and I’ll confess I’ve become more of a realist than I was at the start of my starry-eyed career. Since then I’ve drawn these conclusions: The world of work is a teeming pool of evolving, inefficient activity. Businesses are continually growing, shrinking, and changing, as do their employee needs. The majority of us—about...

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Perception shifts. Turning negative to positive.

“I’m really stressed out about this, but I’m also kind of excited about it, too!” This came from a friend as he described a big project he’s working on. His eyes were shining and he was noticeably happy. I was happy, too, because just weeks before he’d been complaining about this same project, but had been clearly discouraged about it. He was stressed both times, but once negatively, and the other time, positively. That’s the difference between distress and eustress, and according to performance coach Samantha Attard, Ph.D., we have the power to shift from the dark pressure to the lighter...

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